Laser hair removal
The essence of the laser's action on the hair follicle is the phenomenon of selective photothermolysis. Laser light is selectively absorbed by the melanin-containing structures of the hair follicle and is converted into heat, which in turn destroys the elements of the hair responsible for its growth, thus causing permanent hair loss and follicle destruction. As research has shown, this phenomenon works most effectively on hair in the active growth phase (anagen). The other growth periods of our hair - the atrophic (catagen) and resting (telogen) phases - are "silent" to the laser.
Description of the action
Indications for Treatment
- elimination of ingrown hairs
- other medical reasons
Laser Hair Removal is a fantastic choice because of the many positive effects it brings. Some of these include:
- smooth skin
- lasting effect
- regaining self-confidence
- convenience
- saving time and money
- no costs or work to maintain effects
Laser Hair Removal determines the need for 4 to 12 treatments (6 - 9 on average) repeated at intervals averaging between 4 - 12 weeks.
Proceedings Before
The first Laser Hair Removal treatment is preceded by a dermatological consultation. Those qualified for the treatment have a laser test performed to determine the optimal treatment parameters for their skin phototype.
the skin of the area to be epilated must not be dry or irritated; if required, emollients (moisturising, oil-soothing creams) should be applied several days beforehand, but not on the day of the treatment
the day before the first treatment, the hair in the area to be depilated should be shaved - a square of about 5cm should be left to assess the colour and thickness of the hair, this area will then be shaved by the person performing the treatment. (Blonde, grey or red hair is a contraindication to the treatment, due to the lack or low effectiveness of laser hair removal in their case).
aspirin and other blood thinners should be avoided
the skin must not be tanned or treated with self-tanner
important - 24 hours before and after the treatment do not consume alcohol
Immediately before
the skin should be clean, not lubricated
the skin is cleansed
1. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, postpartum period
2. active cancer (current chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
3. hormone treatment
- individual hormone therapy
- treatment of infertility
- treatment of thyroid diseases
4. medicines used
- antibiotics (the interval between the last dose and surgery is a minimum of 4 weeks)
- anticoagulants (blood thinners)
- aspirin
- retinoids (the interval between the last dose and treatment is a minimum of 6 months)
- photosensitizers (phototoxic, photoallergic - interval between last dose and treatment at least 1 week)
5. cosmetics used with
- retinol
- Vitamins A, C and E
- fruit acids
the area to be epilated requires a 4-week break before treatment
6. herbal remedies used
- e.g. St. John's wort, calendula
- slimming, e.g. Figura
- herbal antidepressants
require withdrawal one week before surgery
7. tanning
- sun exposure (minimum 4 weeks before treatment)
- solarium (at least 4 weeks before the treatment)
- self-tanners (at least 4 weeks before treatment or treatment
can be performed after the tan has been removed)
8. hair removal with tweezers, wax, mechanical depilator (minimum 4 weeks prior to treatment for the face and 6 weeks prior to treatment on other areas of the body) or appropriate cream (minimum 1 week prior to treatment)
9. cosmetic facial cleansing treatments are possible 7 days earlier or 14 days later
10. preparations with an exfoliating effect should be discontinued one week before treatment
11. skin prone to hyperpigmentation or bruising
12. tattoos
13. scarring in the interview
14. fillers, Botox
15. dermatological skin lesions (active bacterial, viral or fungal skin infections)
- Herpes (treatment is possible 2 weeks after infection)
- inflammatory changes
- pigmented moles
- photodermatosis (eczema, sunburn)
- eczema
- discolorations
- psoriasis
- reticularis (marbled skin)
- vitiligo (relative contraindication)
16. Epilepsy (relative contraindication)
17. HIV
18. surgical operations performed or planned
19. Feeling of heavy legs (venous changes)
20. alcohol (24 hours before and after treatment)